The Lions in Belgium

Organization with high social impact

Lions Clubs Belgium is a thriving organization with a very large social impact that is open to everyone. For people between the ages of 18 and 30, the subsidiary organization Leo Clubs Belgium exists; a network of more than 400 leo’s spread over more than 30 Leo clubs.

View our history List Belgian clubs

+ 7200 members

+ 500 activities/year

279 clubs

More than €5 million funds raised/year
for social causes

The donations received by Lions Belgium go entirely to good causes, with operating costs covered by their own contributions. Since the Lions have been active in Belgium (1952), a total of about EUR 160 million has been given to local, social causes, and Belgian clubs have raised about EUR 5 million for major international Lions operations (e.g. fight against MS, tsunami in Sri Lanka, earthquake in Haiti, storm in Mozambique…).

Check out our structure

District 112 A : West and East Flanders
District 112 B : Antwerp, Limburg, Flemish Brabant
District 112 C : Brussels Capital, Walloon Brabant and 5 clubs of the district of Halle-Vilvoorde
District 112 D : Liege, Namur, Hainaut and province of Luxembourg